Monday, May 10, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

Yes, I love "The Sound of Music"; it is one of my all-time favorites. I decided that I am going to compose my own list of my favorite things, which will not begin with "raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens". I am a "dog person", so the kitten part would cause me to be a Joe Wilson. So here it goes:

-I love the Lord! He is my favorite thing! I love knowing that He is in control. He has been my rock these past two years, and I love Him so much.

-I love my family and friends. The Lord has blessed me with two loving parents, and an array of amazing friends. They make me laugh, comfort me when I cry, and listen to me rant endlessly about everything, which brings me to my next favorite thing...

-I love ranting endlessly! I just love talking about things, until they get old. I've been watching "Reba" for eight years, and to this day, I still talk about it. I love talking about politics, books, movies, Food Network, food, etc. I have found, however, that my favorite rants usually concern nothing at all. Or nothing of substance. I'll have you know that my friend and I quoted lines from the Bon Qui Qui video for the first few months of our freshman year at TCU.

-Speaking of YouTube videos, my latest obsession is Turtle Fence! Watch it, and it will change your life.

-I love TCU! I has been a constant source of happiness for me this year! I loved the atmosphere, my friends, and Travis Avenue Baptist Church near campus. I have enjoyed most of my classes, especially Political Science with HGobes and French! J'adore le francais parce qu'il est tres beau!

-I love music! I enjoy most genres with the exception of rock, punk rock, screamo or any other whiny boy-band tunes. Oh, oh, and TAYLOR SWIFT!!! I mean, what's up with people thinking that she is country? So the girl has a guitar, so do I. Does that make me worthy of an ACM or CMA award...I should think not. I'm sorry, but I don't care if you want someone to think of you every time a Tim McGraw song comes on. He's still alive, and he's perfectly able to write his own songs to generate some cash flow. Who writes a song about a fellow colleague who is STILL ALIVE! End of rant.

-I love my Snuggie. It is so amazing. It has properly warmed my arms this winter, and I enjoy acting like Moses parting the Red Sea, while wearing my soft, red Snuggie.

-Not to sound exclusive, but I absolutely adore inside jokes. I love sharing a weird moment with friends or family. Here are a few: You keep goin', Nancy!, the lady at SubConnections, Congress is one hot mess, Tangerine.

-I love doing Bible studies with Mildred, my mentor at TABC. She is amazing, and she inspires me in all parts of my life. Mildred is the epitome of a Godly woman and an eternal optimist.

-I love Trace Adkins, George Strait, Blake Shelton, Alan Jackson, and all them other country boys. They melt my butter, as Paula Deen would say.

-I love watching Food Network. I discussed my obsession with the channel recently in my French oral interview. I believe watching someone else cook is more exciting than doing it yourself. As much as I would love to sound like Paula, it doesn't come natural. I have to keep immersing myself in her show, so one day I can achieve her Southern drawl.

-I love looking at Tim Riggins on "Friday Night Lights". Although his character is morally ambiguous, his looks, my friends, are most certainly NOT!

-I love making fun of Matt Saracen on "Friday Night Lights". He's a sweetheart, but the kid needs to see a speech therapist. Love ya, Snowbunny!

-I love being a Native Texan. I am so proud of my Southern roots, and I will talk about them to anyone who gives me an ear.

-I love constantly polling people about their soft-drink preferences. Dr. Pepper for the win.

-I love being a Conservative Republican. Go GOP! I have to emphasize the conservative part because some elephants have recently transformed into RINOs ahemmmmm Kay Bailey Hutchison.

-I love giving code-names to people. HGobes, JRidds, Mama Westie, Globug, Snowbunny, etc.

-I love free things. Like free radio on Pandora, free coupons for store openings, buy one-get one free deals, free Bagels at Einsteins, etc.

Well I SHALL finish this post later! I'm fixin' to go watch some of the moving picture box. Goodnight and God Bless!


  1. I literally could not stop laughing out loud! I'm being an APT with all my comments, but I just can't help it. I especially loved the two about FNL.

  2. Hahahahah go right ahead and be an APT=] I am so flattered; I SHALL continue the list tomorrow!
